Uniform Shop

​​​​​​​​​​T​​he Uniform Shop at Xavier Catholic College is run by Wearco - smart clothing company.  The shop stocks all required uniform items and accessories. It is located on the College campus and is open five days a week.

​​​​For all enquiries, please contact the Uniform Shop Convenor:  Amanda Govers on ​​​​​​​Phone: 07 4197 1265 or via Email: xaviercatholiccollege@wearitto.com.au. You can also visit their website at www: www.wearitto.com.au

 ​​​​​​​​​Opening Hours






​7:30 - 10:30am

​2:30 - 5:30pm

​7:30 - 10:30am

​2:30pm - 5:30pm

​7:30 - 10:30am

​​If you need to make an appointment outside of these hours, please do not hesitate to contact the Uniform Shop.  

Uniform Orders - can now be placed online at: www.wearitto.com.au

The Wearitto new online feature will ensure you have: 

  • ​​Time to browse styles and sizes when it suits you.

  • The ability to access and confirm your order 24/7, without having to visit the shop.

  • Convenient just "click and collect"

  • Peace of mind that your order can easily be exchanged or returned to the shop if it is not quite right.

  • An advantage to order early so you don't miss out during the busy " back to school" period.

Click on Link and use a drop down box to locate Xavier Catholic College on this site.

Place your requirements in the cart, choose your payment method and complete.

Pick up in store.

​ ​The College Uniform

The Xavier College Uniform Committee has been convened on a number of occasions to make recommendations on uniform to the College Community. Agreed criteria for the design of the uniform are as follows:

  • College colours (Navy, White, Green and Gold)

  • ​Uniform to be cost effective (affordable and good value)

  • Require minim​um of care

  • Have a modern design and d​durable​ construction

  • Portray a positive image to the community​

  • Be multi-functional where possible​​

  • Uniform to be congruent with Xavier Catholic Coll​ege Policy

  • Students to move from sport to class activities without the need​ for uniform changes

  • Ability for students to be actively engaged in all activities - this includes both b​oys and girls

  • Need to meet sun safe practices​​  


Second Hand Uniforms

​​The College Parents and Friends Association organise a second hand uniform sales day once each Semester.  For more information please contact the P&F via this website.  Refer to the tab Our Community>Parent Community>Parents and Friends.  ​