Contemporary learning environments offer flexibility and opportunities for collaboration, independence and connectivity toglobal resources. This sort of ‘anytime, anywhere’ learning is supported by access to portable technologies (eg laptops).
The Xavier Catholic College approach is developed out of the following emerging issues and implications for contemporary learning and teaching in all schools in Brisbane Catholic Education.
|  (PHOTO: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2021)
Learning and Teaching:
Learners and teachers create
contemporary learning environments and quality learning outcomes as they shape and enrich their own and others’ worlds.
Contemporary learning is
personalised and provides anytime, anywhere access for students to portable
Teachers’ access to the Australian Curriculumand supporting professional
resources will be delivered online.
Brisbane Catholic Education is establishing access to teacher and
student online learning and teaching environments and content.
This is underpinned by the
following assumptions:
The world of students within
and beyond the school is connected by the use of contemporary information
processing, communication and collaboration tools.
Teachers engage in continuous
learning to enhance their professional practice and the practices of their
School and organisation leaders
create the conditions that enable the vision to be realised.
Parents are empowered to become
actively involved in their child’s education by accessing online communication,
learning, reporting and monitoring systems.
Planning and resourcing is
future focused and flexibly delivered within the learning context of the
Accountability and improvement
are reviewed through the School Cyclical Review process in accordance with the BCE Strategic Renewal Framework.
Fit For Purpose Devices
At Xaver, student devices are selected based on the requirements of the curriculum at different phases of learning and the learning experiences typical in each phase. This environemnt is supported by a wide range of platforms and services available to students.
Year 4 - 1:1 iPads
Students in Year 4
are supplied an iPad as standard school equipment through our
1-to-1 program. This device is a key lerning tool through to the end of Year 6. Curriculum tasks
for students in these year levels will involve the use of iPads.
Our goal is for students to use
iPads as a tool to support key processes in learning - accessing,
organising, processing and publishing information, collaboration,
creativity and communication, and for teachers to use them as an
environment to facilitate deeper engagement in learning and
higher-ordering thinking. These processes, which align with the ACARA
ICT Capabilities, moves students away from seeing ICT devices as a tools
for researching, emailing and typing assessment to being catalysts for
further knowledge exploration and skill development.
The iPad has the varied
functionality that will allow students to consume information as well as
produce information in a mobile form through:
The rich combination of resources that are available 24/7.
Innovative teaching and learning tools and materials are being developed
and will continue to be released as we move forward.
Books and other resources available on the iPad. This not only
alleviates the need to carry heavy books in their school bag, it
provides on-demand access to these rich resources.
A wide range of classroom apps and tools as part of the ever-evolving digital platform for learning.
Year 7-9 Laptops
As the demands of the curriculum change, students in Year 7 are issued a hybrid-style Windows device. This device has touch capability, but also the ability to function as a more traditional laptop.
Year 10-12 Laptops
In recognition of the fact that the nature of the tasks students are required to perform change as they progress throuh their secondary schooling, new laptops are issued to students in Year 10 each year. These devices are available to students to use 24x7 while they are students of the College.
Key Documents
All students across the College are required to comply with the 'Responsible Use of Computer and Internet Resources' policy. In addition, students in the College 1:1 program must agree to the terms of the '1:1 Program Guidelines'. Both documents can be found below along with copies of the forms for physical damage and lost/stolen devices if required.