Xavier Catholic College has been built on a proud history of Ignatian Spirituality and belief in Social Justice, as evident in our Foundation Principles and School Logo and Motto. The college takes its name from St Francis Xavier, a Jesuit priest who evangelised Asia and the Pacific. Here are some fast facts about St Francis Xavier:
Together with Mary Help of Christians, he is the patron saint of Australia.
St Francis studied at the University of Paris where he met St Ignatius of Loyola and became one of the seven who founded the Society of Jesus the Jesuits. They believed that God was to be found in all things and that the world must be stayed in, not withdrawn from and that all human endeavour could be sanctified for the greater glory of God.
St Francis is considered to be one of the greatest missionaries and evangelists of the Church.
In naming the college, Archbishop John Bathersby noted the significance of the evangelising role that the college would assume in the lives of all who are influenced by its presence in Hervey Bay. |  "Mosaico de San Francisco Javier" by Jialxv is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
Ignatian Spirituality
The College provides a nurturing of the spiritual life for all members of the community and a respect for those who have held sacred the land upon which it is now established. The college is an outreach of the Hervey Bay City Catholic Parish.
The cultural and religious context of the Catholic setting for education is of particular significance to the community. The College provides a nurturing of the spiritual life, within in an Ignatian tradition.
Learning and teaching at Xavier College is centred on the learner through an Ignatian pedagogical approach. It will be achieved through a variety of learning experiences and teaching strategies. Our aim is to cater for the learning needs and styles of all learners. Learning experiences involve a commitment of the learner to continuous reflection and re-evaluation.
In promoting Ignatian Spirituality as a way of preceding, the college has worked closely with, and will continue to work with, Mr Martin Scroope, Director of the Loyola Institute and school communities who have a commitment to Ignatian Spirituality.
Social Justice
Catholic Social Teaching has been described as the Church's "hidden treasure". It is the sum of the Church's teaching on social justice issues and is an essential part of the Catholic faith.
We cannot be called truly Catholic unless we hear and heed the Church's call to serve those in need and work for justice and peace.
The 1971 Synod of Bishops said that "Action on behalf of justice and participation in the transformation of world [are] a constitutive dimension of the preaching of the Gospel".
Uniya Jesuit Social Justice Centre
Uniya, established in 1989, is a social justice research and action centre based in Sydney's Kings Cross. It works locally and globally towards justice for marginalised groups. Uniya (pronounced oo - nee - ya) is a word from an Aboriginal language meaning "meeting place". It is named after the first Jesuit mission to Aboriginals established in 1886 in the Daly River area of the Northern Territory.
For more information please visit the website: http://uniya.org/
Foundation Principles
It is a community that is Faith centred
It is a Christian Education Community
in its faith
in its worship
in its way of life
in its care, concern and compassion.
In its values based curriculum
In its integration of faith, life and curriculum
It is a Catholic Christian community
where the Gospel values are espoused and practised
where parents, staff and students are committed to the Christian ethos of the school
where the priorities of the Archdiocese for prayer, social justice and ecumenism are enacted
where such qualities as personal holiness, peace, justice, hope, and commitment promote a sense of values and spirituality in all those who form partnership in the college
that welcomes with sincerity and hospitality
that is united and also respectful of the diversity of faith worship and practice
It is a community in Partnership with parents, students, teachers, parish, families and community
that supports and promotes family life and a balanced personal life
that teaches the value of relationships and enhances skills in this area
where stewardship and ownership for the resources available to the learning community and in respect for Creation is practised
that recognises and supports parents in their role as prime educators of their children
where authentic student leadership is encouraged, promoted and integrated into the life of the school
where parents are given are variety of opportunities for participation in the decision making processes of the school
It is a community that provides a quality education within our Catholic tradition
where students live, learn and celebrate a holistic education experience that is part of lifelong learning
where self-discipline is taught, practiced and reflected in relevant policies
that gives children secure beliefs in times of rapid change
that is a hope-filled model for excellence in education
where those entrusted with the education of the students teach them how to discover human knowledge and wisdom that is consistent with the truth of the Gospel.