Xavier Catholic College is an inclusive school where all are welcome. At Xavier, we understand that choosing the next step in your child’s educational journey will be one of the most important decisions you will make. Transitioning to a first school or a new school is an exciting time for students and parents.
For those interested in discovering our College, this website contains extensive information about Xavier, its history and the learning and educational opportunities it offers. We encourage you to view our College Prospectus which offers more in depth information. Our community, the Xavier Family, is one built on care, diversity and identity and offers new students a unique educational opportunity to develop their individual gifts.
Enrolments are accepted for all year levels from Prep to Year 11. Where waiting lists apply in particular year levels, we would encourage you to submit your application so your child can be added to the waiting list.
If applying for enrolment for more than one student, submit the elder child’s application first. At the completion of this application, you will be given the option to apply for additional children. Once your application has been submitted, you will receive an automated email immediately confirming your application has been lodged. If you do not receive this email, please check your JUNK/SPAM folder. Should you experience any difficulty completing the online Application for Enrolment Form, please contact the Enrolments Officer for assistance.
Full School Tours, conducted by our Head of School – Primary and our Head of School – Secondary, are offered twice per term.
Should you have any questions regarding enrolment at Xavier Catholic College, please do not hesitate to contact the Enrolments Officer on 07 4197 1177 (select Option 3) or by emailing: enrolmentsxavier@bne.catholic.edu.au.

The process for enrolment at Xavier Catholic College is as follows:
Submit an online Application for Enrolment Form
Supply supporting documents for each child as follows:
Photograph (a recent school/kindy/daycare photo or take one on your phone)
Birth Certificate (full birth certificate, not decorative copies or extracts)
Catholic Baptism Certificate or other sacramental certificates (if baptised Catholic)
If student/parents were born outside of Australia, copies of child’s passport identity page and visa/residency documentation
Enrolment Transition Form - Part A is to be completed by you and Part B is to be completed by the current classroom teacher (for Primary applicants) or the Year Level Coordinator, Head of House or equivalent (for Secondary applicants)
Last three End of Semester Academic Reports (not required for Prep applicants)
Last two NAPLAN Records (where applicable)
Any legal documentation e.g. court orders or custody arrangements
Any medical documentation or diagnosis letters e.g. allergies/anaphylaxis, disabilities, additional needs etc.
Your child's application will be reviewed by the relevant Head of School (Primary or Secondary)
You, your partner and your child will be invited to attend an Enrolment Interview with a member of our Primary or Secondary Leadership Team
If a place is offered to your child, you will be given all the necessary Confirmation of Enrolment documentation and you will be asked to pay the enrolment deposit of $400
Please email all supporting documentation to enrolmentsxavier@bne.catholic.edu.au.
Information relating to Enrolments and your Xavier journey:
Xavier KindergartenThe onsite Xavier Kindergarten is operated by Catholic Early EdCare. Kindergarten applications are to be made directly to the Kindy. For more about the Xavier Kindergarten, please visit their website or call 07 4194 5197.