School Logo
The predominant symbol within the college logo is a ship in full sail

This was St Francis' main form of transport throughout Asia and it was on a final voyage to China that St Francis Xavier died. This ship is also representative of the Christian journey that all who learn together within Xavier Catholic College will travel. The full sail expresses the energy of the Holy Spirit which sustains all who search for and find Jesus. The Christian symbol of the Cross reminds us all that the price of His victory was His death and resurrection; our lives are also about the struggle and hope for victory over death.
The sea is also a dominant theme in our logo
The waters of Hervey Bay are a source of our identity and creative energy. The college is a gift of the Catholic community to the people of Hervey Bay City. It is the ebb and flow of the sea which sustains the ship on its search for Jesus and the meaning of life.
The playful symbols of the whale and dolphin may also be seen within the two-toned blue representations of the ship's hull and the sea.
The image of the dolphin reminds us that the original owners of the land around Hervey Bay, the Butchulla people, attached significance to the dolphin as their sacred totem. We honour the aboriginal people as travelers on the journey with us. The whales that winter in our waters are a joyful expression of the mystery of rebirth and renewal within God's creation.
The colours of green and gold, blue and white
These colours incorporate those of Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School and St Mary's College with whom we share a common heritage and a special friendship. These bright colours remind us that finding "jesus in all things" is a hope-filled and joyful adventure for all those willing to journey together as learners.
School Motto
finding jesus in all things
Over his many journeys throughout India and Asia, St Francis always came to people as one with them. To know and love Jesus in one another is the ultimate meaning Christians attach to the journey of life.
The community has chosen finding Jesus in all things as the motto of the college. It is a challenge to all who learn together to seek Jesus in the world around them. God's creation is the wonder and the treasure of our journey together in this life.
(SCHOOL LOGO: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College)