Fees and Levies collected at the College are used for administrative staff, resources, materials, facilities and equipment, buildings and grounds maintenance, Information Technology equipment and internet access. Fees and Levies are invoiced in Term 1. Tuition Fees and Levies cover all compulsory activities including camps and sport. Tuition fees are set across the College for Senior, Middle and Junior Schools. We believe this gives parents the security of being able to plan their finances ahead with no hidden costs. For families enrolling more than one child, generous discounts apply;
- 25% Second child;
- 50% Third child;
- 75% Fourth Child.
For a full listing of fees and levy charges please refer below:

For more information regarding fees, please contact our Finance Officer. The Finance Office is open Monday to Thursday 8am – 3.30pm (CLOSED FRIDAYS)
p: 4197 1261
e: xFees@bne.catholic.edu.au
Parents with children at Star of the Sea also receive a discount on the Combined Total Annual Tuition Fee payable (this does not include General Levies, Subject Levies, Capital Levy (previously Building Fund Levy), P & F Levy or Technology Levy.
School Fees Refund Policy and Procedures
Xavier School Fees Policy