From the Pen of the Principal
Tell Them From Me Survey
During the month of May, we will be inviting students, teachers and parents to provide feedback on their experience of our school using online surveys. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process. All Brisbane Catholic Educations Schools and College’s will be conducting the Tell Them From Me surveys. So, while each school will benefit from the feedback, BCE as a system will also be able identify systemwide trends or issues.
We would like to invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community, we would greatly appreciate your feedback.
The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at Xavier Catholic College.
The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You should have received an email with a link to the Parent Survey earlier this week. If you haven’t yet received this email, you are able to access the parent survey on your computer or mobile device by using the URL below:
Using the Tell Them From Me Data
The Tell Them From Me results provide schools with valuable insight into the engagement and wellbeing of their students. Schools can use the data to inform of evidence-based decision-making to identify strategies for school improvement, including teaching practices, student engagement and wellbeing. The strategies include:
- Capturing the voice of students, parents and teachers and monitoring results.
- Identifying key areas for improvement.
- Triangulating Tell Them From Me results with other sources of data.
- Implementing change in school practice.
- Reviewing Tell Them From Me results to evaluate the impact of new practices.
These five practical strategies can assist school's to respond to the needs of students.
The School Improvement Cycle
Tell Them From Me data can provide insights as part of an analysis of current school practices to inform improvement strategies as part of the school’s annual plans and improvement agenda. Survey results can also be used to monitor progress and determine the success of improvement initiatives on a range of aspects of school life, practices, and procedures, from the perspectives of students, parents and teachers. It can provide valuable insights to inform school planning and decision-making specifically related to student wellbeing and engagement.
Wellbeing Framework
Tell Them From Me supports BCE’s commitment to the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework. Schools can compare their results year-over-year as well as against system norms and against replica-school reference lines. Schools can use the data to inform their own student wellbeing position and priorities.
(Student Wellbeing Hub. (2019). Australian student wellbeing framework. Student Wellbeing Hub. https://studentwellbeinghub.edu.au/educators/framework/)
I thank you in anticipation of your support.
Blessings and Peace,
Simon Dash
Head of Primary School – Russell Davey
It was wonderful to see so many families join us for our Mother’s Day celebration on Wednesday. This important event on our College calendar recognises the essential role of a mother or mother figure in the life of our students. As I mentioned at our assembly, I have been blessed with many wonderful women in my life but none more so than my own mother and my wife, the mother of my children. The successful mother is not the one who never struggles but the one who never gives up despite the struggles. This is a sentiment that I believe represents the role of being a mother or someone who provides this care to a young person. It is not an easy role, it requires persistence, endless love and a lifetime of dedication. I wish every mother in our community a Happy Mother’s Day, and I thank you for all that you do each and every day.
(PHOTO: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
Prep Come and Try 2024
On Monday we welcomed prospective Kindy students from around the local area to our first Prep Come and Try session for 2024. These sessions are a wonderful opportunity for children who will be entering Prep next year to experience this new environment and there is also the opportunity for parents to talk to Prep teachers and support staff. Please contact the College Office should you wish to attend one of the 2024 Prep Come and Try sessions. To reserve your child’s spot at one of our sessions, click through to the
Event Registration page on the Xavier Catholic College website.
(IMAGE: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
Under 8’s Day
On Thursday 23rd May all or our P-2 students will participate in the annual Star of the Sea and Xavier U/8’s Day. This is a wonderful day out and an opportunity to celebrate with our youngest students. Parents are very welcome to attend and we look forward to this opportunity to celebrate our youngest students with the theme for 2024 being “Connecting through Culture.”
(IMAGE: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
Winter Uniform
As we enter the colder months in Hervey Bay, please be reminded that all students are only permitted to wear the College track tops and bottoms when at school. Alternative jumpers are not to be worn with the school uniform. If you are in the process of purchasing these items for your students or are awaiting an order, please notify your child’s teacher via their student planner. Please also reach out and contact the College should you require assistance to ensure your child is in the correct uniform.
AEDC Census
From May 2024, our school, along with thousands of others across the country, will participate in the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC).
The AEDC is a teacher-completed census (like a questionnaire) which provides a comprehensive picture of how children have developed by the time they start their first year of full-time school. The AEDC is an Australian Government Initiative and is completed nationally every three years.
Children don’t miss any class time while the AEDC is completed and parents/carers don’t need to supply schools with any new information.
The data collected through the AEDC is used by schools, communities and governments to better understand children and families’ needs, and identify the services, resources and support they need. AEDC data is reported at a school, community, state/territory, and national level. AEDC results for individual children are not reported and the AEDC is not used as an individual diagnostic tool. Some teachers have found that completing the AEDC made them more aware of the needs of individual children and their class and that the data was useful.
Kind regards,
Russell Davey
Head of Secondary School – Ursula Witham-Young
Student Leadership Fundraising
Last term for International Women’s Day, our student leaders assisted with organising our inaugural International Women’s Day Breakfast. We raised through Raffles and the cost of the breakfast $673 to be given to Yoorana an organisation that works with women escaping from domestic violence. I would like to again congratulate our wonderful seniors for this initiative.
Respect at Xavier
We have been working with our Year 7 and 8 students currently and talking about what respect looks like, feels like, and sounds like. It has been interesting to hear the conversations from our students. Could I encourage you to have a look at the resources from
Education Queensland for Parents and carers | Respectful Relationships Education Hub (eq.edu.au). There are multiple ways we can help our young people learn to be more respectful and the best way of us being able to do that is by modelling behaviours at home. Conversations parents and carers have with your children are fundamental in helping our children develop the social and emotional skills needed to successfully engage with others, develop a positive sense of self and resilience, and identify and respond appropriately to their own emotions and those of others. By building these personal and social skills and creating a culture of respect, issues such as domestic, family, sexual violence and all forms of violence or abuse, discrimination and harassment are less likely to occur.
With every blessing,
Ursula Witham-Young
Prep and Year 7 (2025) Interviews and Admissions
Enrolment Applications close shortly. To secure an Enrolment Interview in the first round, please ensure you have emailed your child’s supporting documents to enrolmentsxavier@bne.catholic.edu.au
Important Dates:
- Prep (2025) Enrolment Interview Day: Tuesday, 28 May.
- Prep Come and Try Session 2: Wednesday, 12 June.
- Year 7 (2025) Enrolment Interview Day – Thursday, 6 June.
- Prep Come and Try Session 3: Friday, 26 July.
- Xavier Kindergarten Open Day: Monday, 20 May – contact the Service for more information.
07 4194 5197
Express Recycling: Battle of the Schools
Xavier Catholic College is taking part in the Express Recycling: Battle of the Schools again in 2024. Xavier Catholic College won the competition last year by collecting the most cans and bottles on campus in Term 2 and 3. Well done to everyone who got involved! We want to keep up the good work and are again encouraging all staff and students to place their cans and bottles in the correct Containers for Change bins on campus. The Xavier community can also get involved by adding cans and bottles collected at home to the College tally at the Express Recycling depot – 3 Trade Way, Dundowran.
Iggy’s Breakfast Program
Iggy's Breakfast Program at Xavier Catholic College is held before school every Friday and Monday - 7:45am to 8.15am. The student-led program offers a simple breakfast option to students who might not always receive a nutritious meal at the start of the day. Thank you to all staff and students who help run the program, as well as supporters, Bakehouse 13 and Woolworths Eli Waters.
- Iggy's Breakfast Program
- Monday and Friday mornings, 7:45am to 8:15am
- GOA Kitchen
Pace for Poverty
The ABS Census documented in 2021 that more than 122,000 people were believed to be experiencing some form of homelessness in Australia, with 1 in 7 under the age of 12. There are almost 2000 people in Hervey Bay alone who are recognised as being homeless. The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre says the “region is experiencing a surge in homelessness,” (Hervey Bay Advertiser).
The Xavier Catholic College Senior Health class has again identified the need to raise awareness around homelessness within our own community and highlighting the urgent need for action. Students want to highlight the need to assist those who are experiencing homelessness right now within in our community.
The class has decided to organise a Monster Raffle to help tackle homelessness.
Tickets cost $2 each or 3 for $5 and can be bought from the students or via Qkr! For those wanting to purchase tickets online,
you can do so by clicking on this link and selecting 'Raffle Tickets' under the Biller Code tab.
Prizes include:
- Fishing pack
- Whale watching tickets (4 people)
- Brisbane Lions footy pack
- Mini cricket bat signed by Beth Mooney
- $50 voucher for the waterfront
- $50 voucher for Reef World (including free entry)
Anyone wanting to donate prizes can contact Tracy Grambower on tgrambower@bne.catholic.edu.au or by calling the College on 4197 1177.
Year 7 GEM Awards
Congratulations to Year 7 students Archie Ottaway, Jack Johnson, Maddison Taggart and Dexter Boyd for receiving Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (GEM) Awards this term for their impressive attitude and work in class. Keep up the great work!
(PHOTO: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
Ignite Conference 24
Please email Mrs Carmel Donnelly on cjdonnelly@bne.catholic.edu.au if your child/children is/are interested in attending this wonderful opportunity. Costs and transport will be confirmed once we have some idea of numbers. Accommodation will be simple, sleeping on the floor of a Brisbane College. For more information on the Ignite Conference 2024,
click here.
- Ignite Conference 24 (Brisbane)
- 19-22 September 2024
- St Laurence's College
Bundaberg School Futsal Titles
Xavier Catholic College entered U13 Boys and U15 Boys teams in the Bundaberg School Futsal Titles on Tuesday, 30 April. Both teams played some great games, making it through some tough competition. Congratulations to the U13 Boys who made it to the Grand Final against Shalom after a very competitive and tight finishing semi-final against Bundaberg SHS. The boys clinched second place for the tournament.
Hervey Bay District Cross Country Trials
The Hervey Bay District Cross Country Trials were held on a very muddy track at the precinct on Tuesday, 7 May. Xavier students were represented well - with 3 Age Champions:
- Abbie McKie 18 Girls Age Champion
- Ellie Stewart 16 Girls Age Champion
- Kurt Hardie 11 Boys Age Champion
The follow students placed in the top 6, earning themselves place in the Hervey Bay District Team:
We wish these students all the best at the Wide Bay Trials on the 11 June.
For the latest images from Xavier Catholic College, follow us on
Facebook and
Cover Image: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
Disclaimer: Copyright in some materials appearing in the newsletter is owned by third parties and should not be used or reproduced without the authority of the third party. The links to websites or web pages are for information purposes only. To the extent that such third-party materials are not owned by BCE, we accept no responsibility for such content.