From the Pen of the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
Are birthdays important to you? Do you enjoy the celebration, the fun, the joy of the occasion? Hopefully, your answer is an enthusiastic “Yes!” for our birthday marks the beginning of our existence as an individual in the outside world. Soon upon us, is another birthday, which all of us are invited to celebrate and enjoy; it’s Pentecost, the Church’s birthday. If you are thinking of a cake and candles, then probably you will have to think in terms of one candle being representative of 100 years, for Pentecost is nearly 2000 years old.
Last Sunday, Christians celebrated Pentecost, remembering the moment when the Apostles, hiding in a room, were given the Holy Spirit. The transformation from people who were timid and in fear of death, to people inspired to share the message of Jesus was extraordinary.
Amongst those present at the First Birthday were the Apostles and we are told that, “They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them to speak.” (Acts 2:4)
From that moment the Apostles were gifted with courage to preach the teachings of Jesus throughout Jerusalem and the surrounding area. They did this till the persecution of Herod Agrippa who seized James and executed him. The other Apostles were forced to leave Jerusalem and so began their preaching to “all nations.”
The Apostles preached through many lands but each was associated with one in a particular way: the second James, Spain; Thomas, India; Bartholomew, Armenia; Jude or Thaddeus, Iran and Iraq; Simon, Egypt and Africa; Andrew, Black Sea area; Peter, Palestine; Philip, Turkey; Matthew, Northern Iran; John, Turkey. The word Apostle comes from the Greek “Apostollo” which means, “to send forth”; this was certainly true for the chosen twelve who were the founding members of the Church.
Can you remember your Confirmation Day, the day on which you became the “new Apostles” who were filled with the Holy Spirit? Probably, your class in similar manner to the Apostles has spread across the nation and perhaps to other nations.
Did Christ’s teachings go with them; were these teachings obvious through the way they chose to express their lives? Is the Church’s heartbeat stronger because of the membership of my Confirmation class of 1979 or whenever?
As parents, we not only have the responsibility for the conduct of our own lives but we direct the lives of our children. This year the Church will have another birthday, our school will have another Confirmation class, and the gifts of the Spirit will “fill” the new members of the 2024 Church. Birthdays give us the opportunity to have a look at our life. We can be happy with what we see or we can resolve to make positive changes. We can do likewise with our “spiritual” birthday and make the “spiritual” birthday of our children more than a once only celebration.
The Holy Spirit has been described as the Person of love in the life of God. The Spirit is like a breath of infinite love from which we can draw love for our own life. With God’s love within us, we can radiate outwards the positive spiritual energy we have to support others, to heal hurts, to empower those around us. We can be real Apostles in our immediate world.
God, our Father,
through Your Son, Jesus,
You promised to pour out Your Spirit,
that we may know the truth of Your love
and proclaim it through the actions of our lives.
Prepare our hearts to welcome Pentecost,
that we may be truly open
to receive the great gifts and blessings
of Your immeasurable love. Amen.
Blessings and Peace,
Simon Dash
Head of Secondary – Ursula Witham-Young
Youth Parliament Ambassador
Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the unveiling of the new Duncan Chapman statue in Queens Park in Maryborough with one of our students, Emily McGrath. Major Duncan Chapman was an Australian Army officer with the 9th and 45th Battalion of the Australian Imperial Force during World War 1. Major Chapman was the first man to step ashore at the Gallipoli landing. The statue was unveiled on the 136th birthday of Major Duncan Chapman and was a replacement of an earlier statue that was damaged in the 2022 floods.
(PHOTO: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
Xavier Catholic College Year 12 student Emily McGrath was invited to attend the unveiling as part of her role as a Youth Member of Parliament. She will also attend a one-week camp in September and attend Parliament each day. She is currently being mentored by Fraser Coast Regional Councillor Sara Faraj, a past pupil of Xavier Catholic College.
(PHOTO: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
With every blessing,
Ursula Witham-Young
$1,000 travel voucher up for grabs!
Win a $1,000 travel voucher with Xavier Catholic College! Xavier Catholic College is giving away a $1,000 TripADeal travel voucher to help raise funds to support projects administered by Jesuit Refugee Service Australia (JRS). Raffle tickets cost $2 each – or 3 tickets for $5 – and can be bought via Qkr! By purchasing tickets you will be supporting JRS in their mission to help refugees find a place of protection and opportunity. Please note: The winner must redeem the voucher by 31 December 2024. Terms and Conditions Apply.
(IMAGE: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
2025 Applications
Parents and carers with children starting Prep or Year 7 in 2025 who are younger siblings of students currently at Xavier Catholic College, please ensure you submit your Application for Enrolment as soon as possible. Current Xavier Catholic College Year 6 students do not need to apply for Year 7 next year, as their enrolment is automatic. For more information on the remaining Prep 2025 Come and Try Sessions, please see the pinned post on our Facebook page or the below flyer.
(IMAGE: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
Under 8’s Day
Xavier Catholic College, together with our friends at Xavier Kindy and Star of the Sea, celebrated Under 8’s Day on Thursday, 23 May as part of Queensland’s annual Under 8’s Week. This year’s theme was ‘Connecting to Culture Through Play’ and resonated throughout the day’s activities, fostering a vibrant and educational environment for our youngest students from K-2.
(PHOTO: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
The day was packed with a variety of engaging activities designed to stimulate the minds and bodies of our young participants. The children enjoyed a dynamic gymnastics session led by experts from Wide Bay Gymnastics. They learned new skills, built confidence and had a fantastic time practicing their jumps, rolls, and balancing acts. Cultural education was brought to life with didgeridoo lessons from Scott Angelus. The children were mesmerised by the sounds and stories, gaining a deeper appreciation for Indigenous Australian music and traditions. Physical activity continued with exciting ball games organised by Deadly Choices. These games not only promoted physical fitness but also teamwork and coordination among the children.
Our school, together with the kindy and Star of the Sea, provided a range of craft and sensory activities. These included painting, threading and sensory bins filled with various textures and materials. These activities allowed the children to express their creativity and explore new sensations in a fun and supportive environment.
The success of Under 8's Day at Xavier Catholic College was evident in the smiles and laughter of the children. The event not only celebrated the importance of early childhood education and play but also highlighted the diverse cultural experiences that enrich our community.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Wide Bay Gymnastics, Scott Angelus, Deadly Choices and all the staff and volunteers from Xavier Catholic College, our kindy and Star of the Sea. Your efforts made this day memorable and impactful for all our young learners.
As we reflect on this wonderful day, we are reminded of the power of play in education and the importance of cultural connections. We look forward to continuing this tradition and providing our children with enriching experiences that support their growth and development.
Thank you to Mrs Love and Jessica Mason for helping cook all the sausages for lunch!
- Jayde Jacobs
National Simultaneous Storytime
On Wednesday, 22 May Xavier Catholic College staff and students took part in the National Simultaneous Storytime. Dozens of Primary students gathered in the library to listen to Mrs Relf read Bowerbird Blues by Aura Parker. National Simultaneous Storytime is an annual event organised by the Australian Library and Information Association and aims to promote the value of reading and literacy. Millions of children across the country sat down together at the same time to listen to the Bowerbird Blues. The picture book selected every year must be written and illustrated by Australian authors and illustrators and explores age-appropriate themes that address key learning areas of the National Curriculum for children up to and including Year 6. It was great to see so many Xavier Catholic College students wanting to sit quietly and listen to Mrs Relf read the book and discuss some of the themes as they worked through the pages together.

(PHOTO ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
Scholastic Book Club
Issue 4 of Scholastic Book Club is out now! Book Club orders are due online using LOOP by Thursday, 30th May. Catalogues have been distributed to students during their library lesson or can be
viewed online.
How to order:
- Your child will bring home their Book Club catalogue from school.
- Browse the pages with your child and help them choose books that suit their age and interests.
- Order online via Book Club LOOP:
- Books are delivered to your child’s classroom where teachers will hand them out to the excited children.
(IMAGE: ©️ Scholastic Australia, 2024)
Iggy’s Breakfast Program
Iggy's Breakfast Program at Xavier Catholic College is held before school every Friday and Monday - 7:45am to 8.15am. The student-led program offers a simple breakfast option to students who might not always receive a nutritious meal at the start of the day. Thank you to all staff and students who help run the program, as well as supporters, Bakehouse 13, Woolworths Eli Waters, P&F Xavier Catholic College and Secondary students and staff.
- Iggy's Breakfast Program
- Monday and Friday mornings, 7:45am to 8:15am
- GOA Kitchen
Pace for Poverty
The ABS Census documented in 2021 that more than 122,000 people were believed to be experiencing some form of homelessness in Australia, with 1 in 7 under the age of 12. There are almost 2000 people in Hervey Bay alone who are recognised as being homeless. The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre says the “region is experiencing a surge in homelessness,” (Hervey Bay Advertiser).
The Xavier Catholic College Senior Health class has again identified the need to raise awareness around homelessness within our own community and highlighting the urgent need for action. Students want to highlight the need to assist those who are experiencing homelessness right now within in our community.
The class has decided to organise a Monster Raffle to help tackle homelessness.
Tickets cost $2 each or 3 for $5 and can be bought from the students or via Qkr! For those wanting to purchase tickets online, you can do so by
clicking on this link and selecting 'Raffle Tickets' under the Biller Code tab.
Prizes include:
Fishing pack
Whale watching tickets (4 people)
Brisbane Lions footy pack
Mini cricket bat signed by Beth Mooney
$50 voucher for the waterfront
$50 voucher for Reef World (including free entry)
Anyone wanting to donate prizes can contact Tracy Grambower on or by calling the College on 4197 1177.
Express Recycling: Battle of the Schools
Xavier Catholic College is taking part in the Express Recycling: Battle of the Schools again in 2024. Xavier Catholic College won the competition last year by collecting the most cans and bottles on campus in Term 2 and 3. Well done to everyone who got involved! We want to keep up the good work and are again encouraging all staff and students to place their cans and bottles in the correct Containers for Change bins on campus. The Xavier community can also get involved by adding cans and bottles collected at home to the College tally at the Express Recycling depot – 3 Trade Way, Dundowran.

Fraser Coast Show Day Holiday
REMINDER: Friday, 24 May 2024 is the Fraser Coast Show Day Holiday. Enjoy the long weekend.
(IMAGE: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
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Cover Image: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
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